Statement of Purpose

Not to simply restate the About Us page, but I do want to clarify the reason for Vocation Island. I thought that as I was going through a lengthy job search after an unexpected layoff my experiences would help motivate, comfort, and encourage others along the same path. My intention was to continue to post …

The Writing. (it’s on the wall, and there will be more of it.)

Good morning! It's 9:35 here on the East Coast, and I am about to begin my day of job-hunting. I have recently been unfortunate enough to lose my job of 2+ years. The people were great, the company was great, it just wasn't a great fit philosophically. So, we parted ways. I realize now, as …


Note: (I'm embarrassed at how long it took me to post this.) Greetings! I don't know if this is any indication of how being "stuck at home" has affected my mental state (this is day 60 for me.) But it took me 3 tries to spell 'stimulus' 😣 I sincerely hope everybody is holding up …

Remember the basics!

Okay, so I had an interview on Wednesday of this week, and it went very well. The interviewer (who would be my manager) and I really hit it off. We both said the right things, the interview ran 1 hr. 40 mins., not bad. I was very well prepared- almost. I neglected 2 important things, …

Happy 2020!! 🎊🎆🎉✨🎇

May this new decade ring in a renewed determination for your goals and aspirations! The anticipation is building! Another new year and decade is upon us! For those who have already celebrated, and for those about to celebrate, we look forward to the new year with excitement and joy. We forget about the pain, the …

Seasons Greetings!!

Vocation Island wishes you a very Merry Christmas! If you do not celebrate Christmas, but another celebration, I hope it's truly the best time of year for you and your loved ones! May you all be blessed! Thank you for reading this blog. Stay tuned for exciting news about 2020, where I have a clearer …

Last day of NaNo!

Congrats to all of the winners this year!! Not just those who have reached the 50,000 word count, but to everyone who participated. It was a tough month with personal, and professional setbacks and family health issues. But it was very productive as I never lost focus on my project; which helped me keep my …

Back… to the Future!

Note: This is something that I had written a while ago, and never got around to publishing. Enjoy! NOV 4, 2019 By Geoff Hansell “No one knows what the future holds.” Or, do we? “We shouldn’t know too much about our own future.” Or, should we? Life is messy enough as it is without someone …


I am currently enrolled in a WordPress class, as you'll probably be able to tell in the upcoming posts. I'm having fun exploring all of the features that I never knew existed! I also, as you noticed- have changed my blogs theme. I wanted to try something different! I thought that this looked cleaner and …

NaNoWriMo (cont’d)

Oh boy, 10 days in and so far so good! Attended my first write-in on Saturday, and it was a great time! I walked into the event, not knowing for sure, but having a pretty good idea of what the other writers would be like, and I was not disappointed. A great bunch of people …

The Seventeenth Century Lady

Thy source for the A-Z of 17th-century history!

Witches of Massachusetts Bay

Roadtrips, events, research, stories, and news about 17th-century witch hunts

good thymes

mindfulness for modern life

Rain Coast Review

Thoughts on life... by Donald B. Wilson

Lightning Droplets

Little Flecks of Inspiration and Creativity

Sabbath Cafe Podcast

- Finding Beauty & Meaning In Everyday Moments -

Prayers4reparation's Blog

..."If My people who bear My name, humble themselves and pray and seek My presence and turn from their wicked ways, I Myself will hear from Heaven and forgive their sins..." (2 Chron. 7:14) - "You will see that in prayer you will find more knowledge, more light, more strength, more grace and virtue than you could ever achieve by reading many books, or by great studies. Never consider as wasted the time you spend in prayer. You will discover that in prayer God communicates to you the light, strength and grace you need..." (Sr Lucia dos Santos)

Holy Soup

Challenging the status quo in church with innovative approaches to ministry.


the journey of an unemployed graduate